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Impact Categories
Health score impact categories include:
Category | Value | Units |
CPU | CPU Percentage | > 90% |
CPU Queue Length | > (CPU Cores+1) | |
Memory | Memory Available | <20% |
Disk | when Disk > 5 IOPs | |
Disk Queue Length > 1 | >1 | |
Disk Queue Time > 10ms | > 10ms | |
Disk Service Time >20 ms | > 20ms | |
Disk Time> 80% | > 80% | |
Disk Xfer Time > 20ms | > 20 ms | |
Network | Network Packet Rate | > 100mb/sec |
Network Retransmit Rate | > 5% | |
Network Utilization | > 70% | |
Latency | Latency Gateway | >75ms |
Latency Home Directory | >100ms | |
Latency Sessions | >200ms | |
Startup | Application Startup Time | > 5sec |
Session Startup Time | > 30 sec | |
Virtual Memory | Virtual Memory Commit Ratio | > 90% |
Virtual Machine | Virtual Machine Memory Ballooned | > 0mb |
Virtual Machine Ready Time | > 5% | |
Software Install | When any type of install process runs while a user is active on the local machine, impact minutes are registered. | |
Software Update | When any type of update process runs while a user is active on the local machine, impact minutes are registered. | |
Events | When SysTrack identifies an app crash, hang or blue screen of death (BSOD) while a user is active on the local machine, impact minutes are registered. | |
Faults | When critical events are seen in the event log, impact minutes are registered. | |
Hardware | Limit Hardware Percent interrupt time | >10% |
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